Monday, October 24, 2011

Recipe: BBQ Chicken Pizza

I haven't made a lot of pizzas at home before, but when I do I really enjoy it! I'm still in search for a good pizza crust though, I typically just use the Boboli, but I feel like it is way too expensive! It's around $4 just for one crust and I know I can find something cheaper.  I did mix my own one time, but it was really hard for me to get it in and out of the oven, so if anyone has any good suggestions, please let me know!

I decided to make my own BBQ chicken pizza one night.  This is not a pizza that I EVER order when I do order pizza, but I thought it'd be fun to make it at home.  I'm sure if you have had a BBQ chicken pizza before, you could probably figure out how to do it on your own, but I still thought I'd share mine!

1-2 boneless, skinless chicken breast (depends on how big they are, or you could also use Rotisserie chicken)
1 pie crust
1/2 cup to 1 cup of chopped red onion (use amount to your liking)
your preference of BBQ sauce, I used Montgomery Inn
1 tbsp honey
1-1 1/2 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup jalapenos

1. I cooked my chicken for about 15 minutes in boiling water, then shredded it. I then put the chicken in a sauce pan on low to medium heat with the honey and let all the flavors come together for about 15 minutes or so.  I added some crushed red pepper (I like spicy food)
2. Next, just assemble everything.  I just spread about 1-2 tbsp of the BBQ sauce on the pie crust.  Topped it with the chicken, onion, jalapenos, then the cheese.

3. Bake for 15-18 minutes.  I read the package for the crust for how long to bake and just made sure the cheese was nice and melted through and the crust was crispy.

All in all, I thought this turned out really great!  I think having the chicken marinade in the bbq sauce with the honey added a nice flavor to the chicken instead of just putting it directly on the pizza.  You could pretty much put any toppings you would like to this, just like any other pizza; maybe some shredded carrots, red or green pepper, or you could even try with turkey or sausage instead of chicken.  I didn't have cilantro, but that would have been a nice touch to top it off with.  This was very easy and my husband liked it a lot too!  Definitely give it a try!

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